One is apt to think of etiquette as being of no more real use to the average citizen than a fedora--something that is of importance to none but the pretentious or sartorially confused. As a matter of fact, there is not a single thing that we do, or say, or choose, or use, or even think, that does not follow (or break) one of the exactions of etiquette.
It is essential to the ease of living that certain mechanical conventions be observed. Yet these so-called rules are nothing but the findings of long experience handed down for reasons of practical use. A knowledge of etiquette is of course essential to one's decent behavior, just as clothing is essential to one's decent appearance; and precisely as one wears the latter without being self-conscious of having on shoes or perhaps gloves, one who has good manners is equally unselfconscious in the observance of etiquette.
In this manual, we (the two pictured above) shall teach you to be unselfconscious, or perhaps even unconscious. Join us. Won't you?
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Hotel Astor
Broadway 44th to 45th Street
New York City
© 1940 by In Which Two People Explain To You How to Refrain from Doing Things Badly. Proudly created.